Pull-Apart Cheddar & Smokey Tomato with Garlic Chutney Bread
Serves 6
400g self-raising flour
1 tbsp caster sugar
7g instant yeast
1 tsp of salt
herbs of your choice – I used the leaves of 5 sprigs of homegrown thyme
300ml warm water
16 slices of The Cherry Tree Caramelised Onion Cheddar
Place the flour in a bowl, along with the salt on one side, the sugar in the middle and the yeast to the other – make sure they don’t touch until everything gets mixed together with the water! Sprinkle in the thyme leaves or whichever herbs you’re using.
Add your warm water and mix together with a wooden spoon and then by hand for 10-12 minutes until you have a silky, elastic dough. Place the dough in a greased bowl and cover in clingfilm. Leave somewhere warm to prove for about an hour until doubled in size.
Once the dough has doubled, roll it out into a rectangle. Brush the dough liberally with a few spoonfuls of The Cherry Tree Smokey Tomato & Garlic Chutney and then cover with slices of The Cherry Tree Caramelised Onion Cheddar.
Cut the dough into eight equal squares and fold these in half. Place all of the dough squares into the loaf tin with the open end facing upwards.
Cover with clingfilm or a damp cloth and allow to prove for an hour again until doubled in size.
Preheat the oven till Gas Mark 6/200°C/Fan 180°C.
Bake for 25-30 minutes until golden and cooked through.
Brush with with garlic butter or oil and enjoy while still warm!
To serve
This can be eaten on its own fresh out of the oven or toasted and topped with a fried egg for some luxury egg on toast!